"In the world you will have tribulation, but be
of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Mama had bought me a
pink polyester suit. It sounds ugly now, but a pink polyester suit with pretty
flowers embroidered on the front pocket was a delight to a fourth grade
girl back then. I remember my excitement at wearing my new outfit and the
special curls my mother put in my hair to make me look extra cute.
At school, students
had to wait in the parking lot for the
doors to open, so we amused ourselves to pass the time. That day, the boys
discovered a frog and started tossing him around like a an egg in an egg-toss.
Grossed out at the thought of even seeing a frog, I kept my distance. Somehow
the air-born frog landed in the pocket
of my new suit!
EEEK! I was horrified! I panted in disgust as
one of the boys reached into my pocket to retrieve the frog. Grateful when the
bell rang and the doors opened, I recall processing what happened. Why did such
a thing happen to me? What had I done wrong to deserve having that frog fall in
my direction? It sounds silly now, but don't we still ask God the same kinds of
questions when hard times seem to have hand-picked us?
I offer three truths
to encourage you.
First off, why does
a bad thing happening to us have to mean we did something wrong? God has told
us that bad stuff is part of life for everyone (Job 5:7).
Second, if you are a
Christian, your pocket is extra big for
catching trouble because Jesus in you automatically puts you on Satan's radar.
Peter admonished us to not behave as if something strange were happening to us
when we undergo trials(1 Peter 4:12). It's part of being in the Family.
Third, (and this is
the best part) Jesus warned us that troubles would come, and in the next breath
He reassured us (can't you hear the love
in His voice?) that we can be of good cheer because He has power over the whole
arena where the battle is happening.
So what is the frog
in your pocket?
Financial, marital,
or health problems? Stress at work, at home, or at church?
Whatever it is, resist the urge to think it's
not fair and shouldn't be happening to you. Choose instead to take hold of
Jesus who is in this trouble with you. He's got you and your frog in His pocket! Is there
any better or safer place to be?
Talk About It: Which of the three truths do you
most need to keep in mind when difficult times come?
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