Monday, November 28, 2016

You Are Beautiful!

How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news...." Isaiah 52:7
A hungry little girl doesn't  care if your nails are chipped when you hand her a plate of food.
A homeless woman won't refuse your help because you missed your hair appointment and your roots are showing. You look beautiful to her.
Ashy legs and a wrinkled top won't stop a hurting soul from finding relief when you listen as she pours out her heart to you.

 Writing a small check you can send is better than the dream check you can't.
Your hoop-dee is Cinderella's chariot when it brings meals to an elderly man who otherwise wouldn't eat that day.
Your life may be a  mess, but you still have the power to bless. 
Take your eyes off all that is not yet perfect in yourself and your world. Shine what light you have in the direction of someone's dark place.
 Don't wait until your rich uncle gets out of the poorhouse before you give to foreign missions. He may never get out, but others will remain imprisoned in hunger, hopelessness, ignorance, loneliness, and ultimately Hell if you keep your treasures to yourself waiting for your planets to align.
You are needed, what you have to offer is valuable, and to those you serve, you are beautiful.

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