Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Big Day

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." Eccl. 9:10

She was a beautiful young woman.

We only took a few classes together, and we ran in different circles, but it was obvious even from a distance that she was crazy about Jesus. Anyone could tell God had embedded in her heart a deep love for a particular race of people in a land far away. She was studying and saving to bring them Jesus upon her graduation.

What impressive passion!

What devoted love!

What heartbreak when she died a few months after learning she was incurably ill.

 I couldn't believe it! Why call her home early when the laborers are few as it is, and so many are waiting to hear the truth?

The answer is none of our business.

What IS our business is pulling out the hope chest and serving Him on the good china of TODAY.

Have you assumed that because your goals are noble and Christ-honoring that God will give you enough days to fulfill them? He may not. All you have is today. Nothing else is promised.

Purpose to go to bed empty each night because you left it all on the stage of your TODAY.

Determine to allow God to extract every drop of glory from every moment of your life TODAY by His grace.

 Don't hold  back. Because there's no promise of another day, every today IS the  Big Day!

Talk About It: I have been holding back, saving some things for when my dream comes true, but I've discovered that was bondage. God deserves my best today. What does that look like in  YOUR life?

1 comment:

  1. yes, amen. We do not know the days God has numbered for us so the time to give him our best is NOW. Thanks for the reminder, dear friend!
