"For the Son of Man came to seek and to
save the lost" (Luke 19:10)
I know it sounds
illegal at first glance, but please read on.
You will like it. I know Jesus will.
When you are in your
car this busy Christmas season, the traffic is going to be terrific!
What do you usually
do in those long car lines? Fume? Stress? Make a list and check it twice?
I wish to suggest a
more productive option.
FRAME someone.
Here's how: Glance in your rear view mirror at
the person in the car behind you. Notice
how the mirror surrounds their face like a photo frame. Take a moment to say a quick prayer for that random individual. Pray they will
come to know Jesus, the real meaning of Christmas.
God will hear your prayer. I know He will! It
is not His will that anyone perish but that all will come to repentance( 2
Peter 2:9).
You can't always know if the gift you buy your loved ones will be just right. But you
can be sure Jesus will LOVE LOVE LOVE your gift of prayer for that stranger He came to earth to
You're going to be in the traffic anyway. Why
not make it count for eternity?
Go ahead.
Say Happy Birthday to Jesus as you frame all
those unsuspecting someones this
Christmas season.
Merry Christmas!
What an excellent idea!!! I like to pray for others while in those long shopping lines too. Great way to change lives- both ours and theirs. Thank you!