Monday, November 4, 2013

It's Time to Stop Yawning!

Hebrews 11
Adventure. Don't you crave it?
 Is it possible to have real adventure as a follower of Jesus Christ? Or is it all just quiet prayers, submissive service, and meek conformity to a dull idea of biblical womanhood?

Adventure happens when you encounter something you did not expect...
 ...where the outcome is uncertain, and a task calls upon every ounce of strength you can muster...
...where the stakes are high, but the reward is even higher. 
Can a Christian woman experience such a life without violating her femininity and her love for God?

In fact, I dare say that if your walk with Christ makes you yawn, it's not His fault. The saints in Hebrews 11 experienced joy, heartache, and amazing miracles, but no one would describe their life as a yawn. By faith, they obeyed God and lived a life of amazing adventure.
 Could it be He has called you to walk the wild and scary road of obedience, but you responded by handing Him a dog-eared profile of a woman who has credentials YOU don't possess? Is it possible you sculpted a more beautiful, higher educated,  more experienced, and all around non-you  woman and told God to ask HER instead?

God calls every believer to a life of adventure. What other protagonist has the devil himself as her nemesis? Is there any other heroine who has the super-powers of the Holy Spirit for doing great exploits? 
 What other life of adventure can be more exciting than rescuing real people from a literal hell?
 What heart would not beat wildly at doing something she was afraid to do but didn't dare not do for love of Someone Else?
Dear Sister, the Christian life is a swashbuckling, mind-blowing, lionhearted life. Are you not living it?
If not, may I suggest you tear up that dog-eared list of excuses you gave God last time He told you to do something that scared you to death?
 That ideal, more qualified woman you sculpted is lying in a pebbly heap. What happened to her? God blew her to smitherines. He doesn't do perfect people, especially not ones we construct. He uses real people like  you.
Can you see it? It's His great big hand reaching for you. Will you take it? He is still inviting you to show, in your own unique way, what the life of a Warrior Princess looks like. 
Stop the yawning and step up. Your adventure with Him awaits!

Talk About It: Is there an adventure God is calling you to embrace?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! I realized awhile ago that God is in the business of giving us great big adventures in which we are fortunate enough to partner with Him in accomplishing something great. God has never disappointed me with any of His adventures- in fact, I realize now more than ever that He can do (and does) immeasurably more than we could ever hope or imaging.
