"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us." 2 Corinthians 5:20
We live in a mean world. Have you noticed? The young especially seem to have a galling lack of compassion at times. It's not just the young, though. People in general seem rich in anger and poor in patience. The tongue is quicker to find fault than give the benefit of a doubt. Shoulders carry chips so big it's inevitable that they get knocked off.
People are hurting, that's why. Many rarely experience genuine kindness unattached to ulterior motives. Folks are afraid to trust so they wear the breastplate of meanness for protection. It keeps hurt out, but it locks love out, too! What a lonely way to live!
Enter you to their rescue!
Yes, you!
You're riding on a white horse of humility, and your face shines with the love of Christ. In your hand is a taste of love and kindness that is your unique recipe. The world is starving for it.
They may be suspicious for a while, but you have nothing to hide. You are complete in Him (Colossians 2:10) so you have no ulterior motives for caring other than to show them where they can find love too.
There is a shortage of people like that so you might seem like an alien to them at first. Love on, My Sister! Be an outpost of kindness in the desert of meanness and indifference at your workplace, in your neighborhood, and even in your family.
Where else will they see it if not in you? If you don't reach out, how will they know hope? Yes, it's that serious.
Your offering matters because they need what God has given you--Himself.
Now, go love!