"for He Himself has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 (NASB)
You cannot see them in the English, but they are there in
the Greek--two sticks of dynamite. Without getting too technical, let’s just
say that there are two little particles in the Greek that mean “’never” in the
English. Each of those two particles can be used alone, but when you put them
together, they are the strongest way to say, “Never ever ever-- NO WAY!” Like
two sticks of dynamite, those two particles blast out the possibility of
whatever it is describing. Here it is
speaking of the possibility that you might be abandoned.
But wait, there’s more! Look at the verse again.
It does not just say
that God will never ever leave you. It says “He Himself” has said He will never
leave you. That is a way of emphasizing that the weight of that promise is not
backed by an endorser. It comes straight from the mouth of God Himself!
When you feel lonely…
When no one believes in you…
When you don’t have a clue what to do next…
When you’ve messed up really bad…
When someone messed you up really bad…
When you cry at night so no one will see the tears…
When you are scared to death to do what He’s called you to
do for fear of looking foolish…
When no one else understands and you start to wonder if
maybe you are the crazy one…
When you have to be a big girl and make it on your own…
When you have burned your bridges with everyone else…
When you are afraid...
When you wouldn’t blame Him if He wanted to leave…
Remember those sticks of dynamite and Who put them there.
You are not alone, Princess. You are NEVER alone!
Consider leaving a comment: When have you most needed to
remember you are not alone?
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